Planning Commission Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2014


Meeting called to order by chair, Tom West at 7:05 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call – Rodney Dial                                         Absent – Timothy Ylitalo – excused Ken Schaub

Mike Cygeirt

Tom West

Bill Halbower

Julie Vanderboegh

Amendments to Agenda – Election of Officers for 2014.

Motion by Bill Halbower, supported by Mike Cygeirt to approve minutes of November 6, 2013 with attached addition. Motion carried.

Addition to November 6, 2013 Minutes: A question was presented to the chairman as to how much additional build space was added to the special use site known as “Summit Truss Co”. The chairman indicated that he had inspected the property and all that was added was an office and the required bath room;a*a la     pry-it.

Public Comments – None Election of Officers -‑

Bill Halbower nominated Tom West as chair, supported by Mike Cygeirt. Tom West nominate Ken Schaub as chair, supported by Bill Halbower. Tom West elected as Chair.

Ken Schaub nominated Mike Cygeirt as vice chairman. Mike declined. Bill Halbower nominated Ken Schaub as vice chairman, supported by Rodney Dial. Ken Schaub elected as vice chair.

Bill Halbower nominated Julie Vanderboegh as secretary, supported by Rodney Dial. Julie Vanderboegh elected as secretary.

2014 Holton Township Planning Commission Officers:

Chair – Tom West

Vice Chair. – Ken Schaub Secretary – Julie Vanderboegh

Text Box:  Tom West reviewed Holton Township Planning Commission By-Laws and officers responsibilities.

Reviewed December 3, 2013 correspondence from attorney, Doug Hughes, ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance by amending sections regarding Special Uses.

Chair, Tom West to send corrected draft of changes to Zoning Ordinance to Mr. Hughes.

Bill Halbower suggested making changes in 3.02B Uses by Special Permit, adding #7 – Publicly owned parks, playgrounds, community centers and other public buildings owned and operated by government agency or a non-profit neighborhood groups, various retail establishments that do not significantly change or impact character of neighborhood. To discuss at March meeting.

Commissioner Comments –

Ken Schaub commented on use of agricultural land for commercial use. Would like to see an update on approved businesses and what changes have been made since their approval.

It was suggested letter to Zoning & Building Inspector to attend a Planning Commission meeting to update members and discuss.

Tom West and Ken Schaub will be attending InService in February at Dalton Township Hall. Next meeting to be held March 18, 2014.

Motion by Tom West, supported by Mike Cygeirt to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Motion carried.

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