Board Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2016

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.

Roll Call: Treasurer Halbower, Supervisor Noble, Trustee Jager present. Trustee Wilson and Clerk Johnson absent.

Agenda is set.

Review of minutes:

030116 Trustee Jager made motion to accept the February 9, 2016 minutes as written.
Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED

Review of bills:

030216 Trustee Jager made motion to pay the bills as presented. Treasurer Halbower
seconded. CARRIED

Business from the floor: Robert Tuff, acting Building Inspector, just wanted to put a face to the name and introduce himself.

Treasurer’s Report:

030316 Trustee Jager made motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.
Supervisor Nobel seconded. CARRIED

Department Reports: Fire Department Chief Stevens reported for the month of February. Total man hours of 218.5. Expense for the 206 account $4,079.40 which is currently 25% under budget. The 216 account had zero expenses.

Would like to purchase new lights for turn out gear. They are LED lights and won’t explode, they will fasten on to new turnout gear. They have ratchet heads so when they are crawling on the floor they can turn the bulb to face in front of them rather then the floor. 15 lights will cost $1,201.50 plus shipping.

030416 Treasurer Halbower made motion for the Fire Department to purchase 15 lights at $80.10 each plus shipping. Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED

Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: Procedural Policy for Inspection Violations adopted 12/2008 had some problems. Dealing with calling them fees. Trying to clear any confusion. Open discussion on the Civil Infraction and who is responsible. We will have a committee of Treasurer Halbower, Trustee Jager and Building Official Jerry McIntyre. A new policy will be drafted for presentation to the board.
New Business:

Brining contract for 2016 with D & B Brining.

030516 Trustee Jager made motion to accept the D & B Brining contract for $9,750.00 per brine and for 2 brines. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED

Contract for closing and opening of water lines in the cemetery. Constantine Irrigation for $800.00

030616 Trustee Jager made motion to hire Constantine Irrigation to open and close the water lines in the cemetery for $800.00. Treasure Halbower seconded. CARRIED

Public Inspection of assessing records policy. Discussion on why needed. County says they need it to be in compliance.

030716 Treasurer Halbower made motion to accept the Public Inspection of Assessing Records Policy. Supervisor Noble seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Treasurer Halbower – Yes, Supervisor Noble – Yes, Trustee Jager – Yes, Trustee Wilson – Absent,
Clerk Johnson – Absent. CARRIED

030816 Treasurer Halbower made motion to adjourn at 7:47 p.m. Trustee Jager seconded.

Respectfully submitted,

Tammy Jager
Holton Township Trustee

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