Board Meeting Minutes for December 12, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance given by all present.

Roll Call: Trustee Jager, Clerk Johnson, Supervisor Jager, Treasurer Halbower, and Trustee Schroeder.

Add to agenda: Gerber Foundation
Agenda is set.

Review of minutes:

120117 Trustee Jager made a motion to accept the November 14, 2017 regular board minutes as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.

Review of Bills:

120217 Trustee Jager made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.

Business from the Floor: Julie Vanderboegh requested to 2 DVD storage units for a cost of $100.

120317 Trustee Jager made the motion to allow Julie to get 2 DVD storage units for the cost of $100. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.

Art Stevens, Schow Rd. questioned about the pit that Slater’s are putting in on M120. Whether it is agricultural or commercial. There is concern about safety because of the location and also if there is a contamination risk. Alan has and is continuing to check on it.
Gary Foster, County Commissioner reported the Commissioners are working on the finances and trying to be fiscally responsible.

Treasurer’s Report:

120417 Trustee Jager made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.

Department Reports: Fire Chief Hawk reported total man-hours of 339 for November. Expenses for the 206 account were $8,509.83 which is currently 74% under budget. 216 zero expenses. Marc reported that all 6 of the new candidates have passed and are waiting to take their National Registry test soon.

Correspondence: The park has received a $7600 grant from the Gerber Foundation to be used towards boys and girls softball fields. To be started in Spring. Thank you Gerber Foundation.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: Resolution to change normal retirement age to 59½ in our pension adoption agreement.

120517 Trustee Jager made the motion to change the normal retirement age to 59½ in our pension adoption agreement. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.

Purchase of TV monitor for the Fire Station: This will be used for training and education, etc.

120617 Trustee Jager made the motion to allow the purchase of a TV monitor up to $300. Trustee Schroeder seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Trustee Jager – YES, Clerk Johnson – YES, Supervisor Jager – YES, Treasurer Halbower – YES, Trustee Schroeder – YES. RESOLUTION PASSED.

New fire truck spec – Marc would like permission to seek bids.

120717 Treasurer Halbower made the motion that Marc be allowed to go out for bids for the new fire truck. Trustee Jager seconded. CARRIED.

120817 Trustee Jager made the motion to accept the new poverty guidelines. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.


120917 Trustee Jager made the motion to reappoint Val Jensen to Planning Commission – 3 years ZBA Val Jensen – 3 years, and Tom Monette Sr. as Alternate. Park Commission: Bryan Fialek and Matt Wildfong – 3 year terms. Treasurer Halbower seconded. CARRIED.

Future Business: Refer Ordinance Article Nine, C1, Section 9.02 Primary Uses 20 to Planning Commission for review – to require Special Use. It was decided to vote on this now.

121017 Treasurer Halbower made the motion to send this to Planning Commission for Review. Trustee Schroeder seconded. CARRIED.

Motion to Adjourn:

121117 Trustee Jager made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Clerk Johnson seconded. CARRIED.

Respectfully submitted,

Melanie Johnson
Holton Township Clerk

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